It’s still technically Friday so this counts, right?
I have always had a deep and long abiding love of English Roses. Sometimes called cabbage roses these beauties just take my breath away. Someday, I will spend more money than I should on a whole yard full of these beauties.
I’ve never met a rose that didn’t make me stop and stare, I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. If you Pin, please be respectful and pin them from their original sources. I wish I could claim these as my own, but sadly, they are not.
I’m still learning my way around this whole blog thing so please let me know if the pictures that are not sourced do not link back to their original pages. I think I’ve done this so you can just click on the picture and be taken there. I think. I’ve pinned these so if you find that isn’t the case, let me know and I’ll be happy to manually source them.
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